Fast Sprinting Tips
>> March 10, 2017
The net work-done at hips increase when the speed increases.
In other words, the contribution of hip strength and power are more crucial towards the maximal speed phase.
The net energy-absorbed by quadriceps and hamstring increases when the speed increases.
*Quads at the initial swing, and hamstrings at the terminal swing (a specific type of contraction here - isometrics).
This gives you an important idea for a practical application in the weight room.
To bridge the gap (science-practical) a little bit, see below.
Strength your hamstring with isometric type exercise, rather than eccentric all the times.
Increase the ability of the hip flexors and extensors to produce force, and also increase the ability of the hams and quads (knee flex/extend) to absorb the forces that are produced from hips.
What are the exercises to use?
Squat, hip thrust, kettlebell swing, clean are among others.
These are some important keys for better sprint performance, in contrast to the popular belief that quadriceps strength is the only or primary focus of sprint training.
These notes are also important for injury perspective.