Showing posts with label BOOK REVIEWS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BOOK REVIEWS. Show all posts

Track and Field Athletics Publications

>> September 13, 2011

Last updated 31.05.2012

ASIAN Athletics Rankings – Publications 1989 - 2011
A few copies of the following booklets are still available from the editor against payment in advance (EUR 10 in Europe or EUR 15 / USD 22 other continents) per copy per pay-ments in cash or by International Money Order:
1998 Rankings (76 pages); 2004 Rankings (97 pages); 2005 Rankings (97 pages);
2006 Rankings (96 pages); 2007 Rankings (97 pages); 2008 Rankings (97 pages);
2009 Rankings (97 pages); 2011 Rankings (in May 2012); all other issues are sold out.

Athletics Results From ASIA
Detailed results reports services (30-35 reports/year) during the season (against subscription), national statistics from several Asian AA Member Federations etc. available on request.

ASIAN Athletics All-Time Rankings (31.12.2000)
212 pages including Asian all-time TOP 100 performers for all events, with additional performers for countries outside the dominant nations of China and Japan, all national records and separate rankings for the ex-URS republics in ASIA (before 1993) and for Israel. Copies are available at reduced price of EUR 15 (Europe) or EUR 20 / USD 30 (out-side Europe); payment only in cash or by International Money Order.

Order/contacts for the publications above to:
Heinrich Hubbeling, Haydnstr 8, 48691 Vreden, GERMANY
or by E-Mail: or by FAX: 49 2564 2829

National Records for All Countries in the World
by Winfried Kramer, Heinrich Hubbeling, Yves Pinaud and Steffen Stuebe

The 2012 edition of this valuable work with records as at 31st Dec 2011 for all Olympic events for each country and many territories (234 in all) will be available during April 2012. Records for KOSOVO and various French over-seas territories are included for the first time. Orders at a price of 25 euros against payment-in-advance (cash only) to:
Winfried Kramer, Kohlrodweg 12, 66539 Neunkirchen-Kohlhof, GERMANY

SOUTHEAST ASIA Athletics Annual 2011/12
by Jad Adrian Washif
First ever publication with information of Southeast Asian Athletics. Contains four main parts; Major Meeting Results, Ranking Lists (Annual & All-Time), Comparative Records for All Countries + Asia + World, and Athlete’s Profiles. A5 / 123 pages. Price EURO 10 (SEA), EURO 15 (outside SEA). Payment in cash, credit card, debit card, paypal, western union, and transfer from deposit machine/online banking. Order/contact to:
Jad Adrian Washif, L7, 12th College UPM, 43400 Serdang Selangor, MALAYSIA
Website: , E-Mail:

JAVELIN Statistics
by Tony Isaacs, started a series of historical publications concerning Men's Javelin Throw. FOUR booklets are already published containing;
PART I: 52 pages including  Progressive WR, World Top 10 Rankings 1891 - 2006, Continental Champions and best performers (year-by-year) etc;
PART II: 76 pages including Results from Olympic Games, World Championships for senior, Junior, Youth and Masters;
PART III: 76 pages including Results from around 25 different Inter-Continental Games and Championships;
PART 1V: 52 pages - detailed information about Javelin in AFRICA including Progressive Records, Continental Rankings 1912-2008, results from all Continental and Regional Champs/Games in Africa etc;

IAAF Statistics Handbook for World Championships 2011
by Mark Butler with collaboration from ATFS members, national federations and individuals. 742 pages. Download from IAAF Website: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.

ATHLETICS: The International Athletics Annual 2011
edited by Peter Mat-thews. Provides every facts on International track and fields: Annual Rankings, All-Time Rankings, Biographies of more than 700 athletes, Index of athletes, Articles, Records, Major Meeting Results (all over the World) incl. National Championships, and many others. Buy at Amazon.

Athletics at Commonwealth Games
by Rob Whittingham, Paul Jenes & Stan Greenberg. A5 36 pages. Complete results of Athletics Events at Commonwealth Games 1930-1988, Index of over 5000 athletes etc. Buy at Amazon.

Publishers / Editors / Compilers: enclose your publications here by contacting;


High Performance Middle Distance Running : A Complete Training Guide For Athletes and Coaches

>> June 02, 2011

High Performance Middle-Distance Running is essential reading for people who wish to improve their performances in 800m, 1500m, 1 Mile, and 3000m Steeplechase. For those who interested in sprint events, see High Performances Sprinting.

This book aimed at both athletes involved in competitive middle-distance running and their coaches. Throughout the book the author adopts a practical coaching approach based on sound principles and on belief that nothing should be left to chance and that 'perfect preparation makes for perfect practice'. All of the following essential areas are covered:

  • Time management, support systems, the review and evaluation of the season, planning, targets setting and race selection
  • Technique, the enhancement of the essential qualities needed by athletes, training systems, conditioning training methods, and mobility exercises
  • Key training sessions, levels of training intensity, progressions, schedules, and race strategies and tactics
  • Rest, regeneration, injury prevention and much more.

Get a copy of "complete training guide in middle distance training" from amazon

# The Process of Training, The Laws of Overload, Specificity, Reversibility etc, Training Intensity, Training methods (Fartlek, Interval, Block Training, Five-pace system, The Oregon System, Long - Steady Distance etc).

# Speed, Strength, Endurance, Speed Endurance, Strength Endurance, Power, Event-Specific Endurance, Technique, Mobility, Support Systems, Tactics, Psychological, Time Management, Nutrition

# Physiological Requirements, Training Methods

# Gross Training, Elastic Strength, Strength Endurance, Resistant Training

# Avoidance, Rest and Regeneration, Training VS Straining, Support System (Massage, Physio, Biomechanic etc)

# Anatomical constraints, Strength and Weaknesses, Short-Term & Long-Term Aim, Periodization, Race Selection, Tapering, Competition Day etc.

Chapter 7: TACTICS
# Methods of Running a race, The Chosen Tactical Approach, The Opposition, The Race etc.

# For a High-performance Male, 800m Runner (see example)
# For a High-performance Female, 1,500m Runner
# For a High-performance  Female, Junior 800m
# For an International Male Steeplechaser


The following schedule (extracted out of this book) is for specific preparation phase for a 24-year-old male 800m runner with a personal best of 1 min 45 sec.

DAYA.M.     P.M.
 Sundaydrills, strides and acceleration; sprints 6x150m, complete recovery (marathon > sprint pacelong run 20 - 25km                                               
 Mondaysteady 12kmoregon circuit + 30 min recovery run
 Tuesday drills, strides + steady 12km12km alternating pace run or 12km tempo run
 Wednesday recovery run 10kmsteady 12km run
 Thursday plyometrics + hill training; 2 x (4 x 200m) jog back recovery / 4min between sets ; 30min recovery runweight training sessions + 10km steady run
 Fridayrest  rest + massage   
 Saturday skill sprints (4 x 4 x 60m, walk back recovery + 3min between sets) + 6 x 1,200m on grass with 1min 30sec recovery30min recovery run or 45min aerobic pool work 


David Sunderland is currently the UK Athletics National for Middle-Distance Running. He has coach numerous international athletes, national champions and medalists at major championships. In his coaching capacity he has attended the Olympic Games, the World Athletics Championships, the European Championships and the Commonwealth Games. For more than 43 years in athletics now, he passes his enormous experience to others through his extensive lecturing activities and through his writing.

To order this book click here

Recommended reading:


High Performance Sprinting: Training Programmes, Periodization, Race Strategy, Strength Training, Competition Approach, Technical Development

>> May 18, 2011

The 'High Performances Sprinting'  is essential reading for all competitive 100m, 200m and 400m athletes and their coaches. This authoritative book covers the following, and much more (of course!):

# Technical development through skills and drills
# The importance of the start and the finish
# Training programmes and the training year
# Strength and flexibility work
# Relays (4x100m, 4x400m)
# Preparation for competitions
# The role of the coach etc.

# Get the "High performance Sprinting" at lower price here


Chapter 1: Speed
Chapter 2: The Sprinters
Chapter 3: Drill and Skills
Chapter 4: The Start
Chapter 5: The Training Year
Chapter 6: The 100m and 200m (See tips)
Chapter 7: The 400m (See tips)
Chapter 8: The Relays
Chapter 9: Strength and Flexibility
Chapter 10: Preparation for Competition
Chapter 11: The Coach

Appendix 1: The Laws of Motion
Appendix 2: The Psychology of a Top Performers
Appendix 3: Sprint Trends in the 21st Century

The 100m and 200m (some tips extracted out of this book)

# Pre-season training samples
1. 2x90m in 3 sets with the 90m broken into 30m segments.
> Set 1: Acceleration runs with each 30m becoming progressively faster.
> Set 2: Rhythm runs; fast in, relax, fast out
> Set 3: Roll in for 30m and the 60m to the finish.

2. Rhythm 6 x 150m. Fast first 50m, relax for 50m, fast final 50m. The relaxation section should not be a slowing down process, rather it is taking the pressure out of the running action.

3. Build up rhythm sprint over 90m in 3 sets of 3 runs, the 90m broken into segments of 30m. Slow walk-back recovery between runs and 8 minutes between sets.
> Set 1: Build up, fast, faster
> Set 2: Fast, relax, fast
> Set 3: Fast, faster, relax.

...and much more ...

The 400 meters (some tips extracted out of this book)

# 400m pace
The 400m can best be broken down into four segments, with the actual distance of each section open to some variation. The breakdown of the segments shows:

  • A fast first 60m at a little below maximum pace, aimed at getting into a good sprint action while also getting the feel of the race.
  • Good racing speed is reached along the back straight (2nd 100m), concentrating on settling into a relaxed speed rhythm.
  • Between the 200m and 300m  the athlete must run a fast bend looking to come into the finishing straight in a dood position while concentration on leg pick-up and arm drive a full sprint action.
  • The final 100m will be a marked deceleration and it will be by far the slowest segment of the race as the lactic acid hits in and the oxygen debt builds up. In this section it is vital to concentrate on a good running action, staying as relaxed as possible. It is this ability to stay relaxed while showing the fighting spirit that wins races that will be the deciding factor at the finishing line.
The 400m's pace approach  of Clyde Hart (coach of Michael Johnson, Jeremy Wariner, Sanya Richards etc.) also discussed in this book. Clyde Hart described the segment of 400m race as "The Four Ps" in which stand for PUSH (1st 60m), PACE (Back straight), POSITION (Top bent), and PRAY (Final stages).

...and much more...
About the author

Mike Smith has been engaged in coaching for over 40 years. During his long and distinguished career he has been responsible for coaching European champions, Commonwealth champions, and Olympic  medallists including Donna Hartley, Kriss Akabusi, Todd Bennett, Roger Black, Iwan Thomas etc.

# Click here to order "High Performance Sprinting"

Further reading & recommended materials: 
The Art of Sprinting: Techniques for Speed and Performance
Maurice Wilson: Sprinting the Jamaican Way: Drills for Speed and Technique   
Gold Medal Track & Field DVD: Sprints, Hurdles, and Relays, Middle and Long Distances, Jumps, and Throws  
Track & Field Coach's Survival Guide: Practical Techniques and Materials for Building an Effective Program and Success in Every Event


Athletics Development - Vern Gambetta

>> February 24, 2011

If you're coach or athlete or student or teacher  everyone who looking for the most effective methods and prescriptions for each facet of an athletes' physical preparation including:

> sports-specific demands analysis,
> work capacity enhancements,
> movement skills development,
> long - and short-term training program progressions,
> rest and regeneration techniques etc.

I would suggests to read this book: Athletics Development - The Art and Sciance of Functional Sports Conditioning. It's written by the World-renowned strength and conditioning coach, Vern Gambetta.



Chapter 1: A Functional Conditioning Framework
Chapter 2: Factor Affecting Athletics Movement
Chapter 3: Sport-Specific Demands Analysis
Chapter 4: Options and Methods of Testing
Chapter 5: Strategies for Performance Training
Chapter 6: Program Planning and Fine-Tuning


Chapter 7: Energy and Work Capacity
Chapter 8: Movement Aptitude and Balance
Chapter 9: The Critical Body Care
Chapter 10: Full-Spectrum Strength
Chapter 11: Integrated Power Training
Chapter 12: Linear and Multidimensional Speed
Chapter 13: Multiphase Performance Preparation
Chapter 14: Recovery and Regeneration


Here are some review of users (at amazon) on the book;

Review 1: ...This book has great insight in the formation and development of training regimens mostly for elite athletes. However it does glance by initial training steps for the novice...

Review 2: ...The thing that makes this book so very exceptional is its seamless combination of the author's significant personal coaching experience and the state of the art in exercise and sports science...

Review 3: ...This book is a must read for coaches or anyone seeking to develop the total athlete. It is focuses mainly on the science of functional training methods but also details some great thoughts on coaching in general..

Recommended readings:



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