Starting Block Technique

>> May 02, 2010

The Important of a Good Start:
1) The start affects the smooth execution of the whole race
2) The faster you accelerate at the start, the easier it is to get to your top-end speed.
3) If you get a good start, you will get a good lead!

On the Keys of a Good Starter:

1) Positioning on the block
2) How you react the gun NOT listen the gun
3) How explosive you are

On Your Mark Position
1) Get nice and comfortable at the block, so be able to apply the force
2) Shoulder should slightly forward to the start line

Set Position
1) Head should be in line with the back or spine
2) Eyes focused 5-6 feet ahead on the track
3) Knee angle of front and rear legs approximately 90-100 and 120-130 degree respectively
4) Hips should be slightly higher than the shoulder.
5) Feet firmly closed to the pedal
6) Your feet ready be in position to apply forces to the blocks
7) Inhale and hold your breath
8) Now only thinking about the gun and the lead hand

Out Off the Block

1) React the gun by flicking your lead arm*
2) Applying force against the pedal*
3) Exhaling at the time your reacting the gun*
4) Rear arm should be around 100-160 degree of angle (depend on style)
5) Fully extended position, straight line through the head, spine and rear leg
6) Body approximately 45 degree angle to the ground
7) Avoid overstriding, as on the acceleration phase you are trying to push NOT
*done simultaneously

Fully extended position

First 10 Metres (Drive Phase)
1) Pump your arm as quick and smooth forward backward, do not across body
2) Apply the momentum from your start while turning your legs over
3) Keep low with eyes focused to the track to allow your build up speed
4) Overstriding will slow you down, as your hits the ground then have got to pull
5) Short strides isn’t practical in the acceleration phase
6) Drive your leg forward with a high knee action
7) Fully extended rear leg pushing off the track with the toes
8) Stride length shall more or less SEVEN
9) Guys 1.70m and below might need a maximum less than 8 strides

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