The Ben Johnson Story: Seoul 1988 Olympics (Video)
>> May 31, 2011
This is a five-part video tells the true story of the drug's scandal involving Ben Johnson at the 1988 Olympics in Seoul. He won the 100m gold medal with a world record time of 9.79s, beaten Carl Lewis who registered 9.92s in the silver medal. However, a few days later, the urine sample of Ben was found to contain the metabolic of banned substance namely stanozolol (anabolic steroids) and was banned for 2 years.
Ben and his coach Charlie Francis complained that they used performance enhancing drug to allow him to compete with other sprinters of which have also used drugs.
Video of men's100m final at the 1988 Olympics
Ben Johnson Story PART 1
Ben Johnson Story PART 2
Ben Johnson Story PART 3
Ben Johnson Story PART 4
Ben Johnson Story PART 5